Cross Stitch
Are you intimated by the words Cross Stich? Don't be we are starting a new class for those who are just beginning, those who know the basics and for those who just want the joy of a class and reconnect with friends and meet new people.
Our first project will be this sweet sampler. I is a reminder of all that is kind and caring in our country. It is stitched on lovely hand-dyed linen, and uses a subtle blend of weeks overdyed cotton threads. The finished piece measures about 5" x 8" and comes with complete graph, instructions, linen, threads and embellishments.
This will be a 3 month project
Date Sunday October 23
Sunday November 20
Saturday December 18
Time 11:00-2:00
Location Sparks
Instructor Kelley Bottomley
Class Fee $15+ kit
Supply List
scissors -applique / embroidery scissors are best
thread conditioner
tape measure
needle threader
fray check
mechnical pencil
sticky notes